MaRRs Primary Colors Competition

MaRRS Primary Colors -International Challenge

The first of its kind for the Preschool students , the MaRRS Primary Colors International Challenge will have Written, Oral and Activity rounds to measure the Cognitive Development and Latent Skills of the participants
Students will partake in three different categories: Play School (Nursery), L.K.G (Junior K.G) and U.K.G (Senior K.G). The category of participation at the MaRRS Primary Colors International Challenge would be the same as the category in which the aspirant had participated in the School Carnival of any of the MaRRS Preschool activities- MaRRS Preschool Bee or Play2 Learn or Primary Colors.
It is mandatory that the child should have qualified from the National Championship of any of these activities to participate in the MaRRS Primary Colors International Challenge.



Written Rounds are activity worksheets to introduce the child to academic learning by practising Letter and Word awareness, Phonemic awareness, Math and number awareness. As children will be using writing materials in this round, their essential fine motor skills will develop.

Oral rounds are slide shows that stimulate visual communication and auditory learning. Children will have to think on the spot to answer the questions regarding the slides, thus contributing to a healthy brain development.

During the Activity round, children will have to complete tasks that stimulate fine and gross motor skills as well as their creativity. This interesting round interact with other children in a new environment